Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Story So Far

Well, obviously I have a lot to tell you guys since I've been in Kagoshima for one and a half months now.

I've been busy ever since I arrived, but I haven't been too busy. I still have had time to do some sightseeing. Though I still have many errands to do like buying a phone.

When I arrived I was staying in the company apartments for a week and a half. Before I even started working I was asked to be an interpreter from Japanese to English for a couple of Bhutanese students that were also staying in the company apartments. That was awesome! Of all the foreign countries I have an interest in the top two are definitely Japan and Bhutan. So that was an unexpected treat. Unfortunately, I'm not quite ready to be a freelance interpreter. But it was good practice for when I become one. So now I have two Bhutanese friends which is also awesome. They work in the Bhutanese Ministry of Agriculture and are now studying Agriculture at Kagoshima University. Wish them luck! Their Japanese seems to be coming along swimmingly.

(Tangentially, my sister Chelsey is going on a tour of SE Asia, including Bhutan this winter. Lucky!)

So that was cool. Then I started working. Work was awesome. I don't think I can say much about it though because of common sense and a confidentiality agreement. But I spend most of my day reading English reports and making sure that they correct English. My coworkers are all really nice, and I'm meeting lots of new people from many different departments everyday.

The next weekend 10/6 I moved to my apartment in Yoshino which is nice because its a lot closer than the company apartments. Its right by the Onsen (hot springs). Actually, I moved here because it is so close, but unfortunately I have not had time to visit yet.

The next weekend 10/13 was kind of a waste of time. I tried to get a lot of errands done and failed. Or rather, I got used to the pattern which would continue in future weekends that all errands take a ton of time here in Japan.

Next weekend 10/19 was the company's 50th Anniversary party. It was quite an extravaganza. There was Kagura (a traditional dance from the Heian period) and Gagaku (music) and lots of formal fun and drinking! (not for me of course.)

Next weekend 10/27 was a Halloween Party. It was way fun. I partied straight into the early morning and met lots of nice people.

More later

1 comment:

Chelsey said...

Partying straight into the morning. Geez Alma..a whole new side of you is coming out! Nice!

I'll email you more info about my trip and all soon!